For any queries, feel free to contact us on 9811237080 / 50 / 67 / 971 or Registration Details Payment Registration for Indian Subcontinent School Registration INR 500 (Registration amount is INR 500 for minimum 25 students. If number of participating students are above 25 then registration fees is INR 450. INR 50 to be retained by schools as Admin Charges) Quantity* Individual Registration INR 1000 (For students participating individually or schools registering below 25.) Quantity* Registration for Outside Indian Subcontinent School Registration 10 USD Quantity* Individual Registration 15 USD Quantity* First Name* Last Name Email* Phone Number* France (+33) India (+91) Algeria (+213) Andorra (+376) Angola (+244) Anguilla (+1264) Antigua & Barbuda (+1268) Argentina (+54) Armenia (+374) Aruba (+297) Australia (+61) Austria (+43) Azerbaijan (+994) Bahamas (+1242) Bahrain (+973) Bangladesh (+880) Barbados (+1246) Belarus (+375) Belgium (+32) Belize (+501) Benin (+229) Bermuda (+1441) Bhutan (+975) Bolivia (+591) Bosnia Herzegovina (+387) Botswana (+267) Brazil (+55) Brunei (+673) Bulgaria (+359) Burkina Faso (+226) Burundi (+257) Cambodia (+855) Cameroon (+237) Canada (+1) Cape Verde Islands (+238) Cayman Islands (+1345) Central African Republic (+236) Chile (+56) China (+86) Colombia (+57) Comoros (+269) Congo (+242) Cook Islands (+682) Costa Rica (+506) Croatia (+385) Cyprus – North (+90) Cyprus – South (+357) Czech Republic (+420) Denmark (+45) Djibouti (+253) Dominica (+1809) Dominican Republic (+1809) Ecuador (+593) Egypt (+20) El Salvador (+503) Equatorial Guinea (+240) Eritrea (+291) Estonia (+372) Ethiopia (+251) Falkland Islands (+500) Faroe Islands (+298) Fiji (+679) Finland (+358) French Guiana (+594) French Polynesia (+689) Gabon (+241) Gambia (+220) Georgia (+7880) Germany (+49) Ghana (+233) Gibraltar (+350) Greece (+30) Greenland (+299) Grenada (+1473) Guadeloupe (+590) Guam (+671) Guatemala (+502) Guinea (+224) Guinea – Bissau (+245) Guyana (+592) Haiti (+509) Honduras (+504) Hong Kong (+852) Hungary (+36) Iceland (+354) Indonesia (+62) Iraq (+964) Ireland (+353) Israel (+972) Italy (+39) Jamaica (+1876) Japan (+81) Jordan (+962) Kazakhstan (+7) Kenya (+254) Kiribati (+686) Korea – South (+82) Kuwait (+965) Kyrgyzstan (+996) Laos (+856) Latvia (+371) Lebanon (+961) Lesotho (+266) Liberia (+231) Libya (+218) Liechtenstein (+417) Lithuania (+370) Luxembourg (+352) Macao (+853) Macedonia (+389) Madagascar (+261) Malawi (+265) Malaysia (+60) Maldives (+960) Mali (+223) Malta (+356) Marshall Islands (+692) Martinique (+596) Mauritania (+222) Mayotte (+269) Mexico (+52) Micronesia (+691) Moldova (+373) Monaco (+377) Mongolia (+976) Montserrat (+1664) Morocco (+212) Mozambique (+258) Myanmar (+95) Namibia (+264) Nauru (+674) Nepal (+977) Netherlands (+31) New Caledonia (+687) New Zealand (+64) Nicaragua (+505) Niger (+227) Nigeria (+234) Niue (+683) Norfolk Islands (+672) Northern Marianas (+670) Norway (+47) Oman (+968) Pakistan (+92) Palau (+680) Panama (+507) Papua New Guinea (+675) Paraguay (+595) Peru (+51) Philippines (+63) Poland (+48) Portugal (+351) Puerto Rico (+1787) Qatar (+974) Reunion (+262) Romania (+40) Russia (+7) Rwanda (+250) San Marino (+378) Sao Tome & Principe (+239) Saudi Arabia (+966) Senegal (+221) Serbia (+381) Seychelles (+248) Sierra Leone (+232) Singapore (+65) Slovak Republic (+421) Slovenia (+386) Solomon Islands (+677) Somalia (+252) South Africa (+27) Spain (+34) Sri Lanka (+94) St. Helena (+290) St. Kitts (+1869) St. Lucia (+1758) Suriname (+597) Sudan (+249) Swaziland (+268) Sweden (+46) Switzerland (+41) Taiwan (+886) Tajikistan (+992) Thailand (+66) Togo (+228) Tonga (+676) Trinidad & Tobago (+1868) Tunisia (+216) Turkey (+90) Turkmenistan (+993) Turks & Caicos Islands (+1649) Tuvalu (+688) Uganda (+256) Ukraine (+380) United Arab Emirates (+971) Uruguay (+598) Uzbekistan (+998) Vanuatu (+678) Vatican City (+379) Venezuela (+58) Vietnam (+84) Virgin Islands – British (+1) Virgin Islands – US (+1) Wallis & Futuna (+681) Yemen (North)(+969) Yemen (South)(+967) Zambia (+260) Zimbabwe (+263) City* School Name* State* Zip/Pin Code* Preference Mode to Take Test School Center At Home Partner Code (if any) Upload file (Students’ name list in excel format to be uploaded.) For School : In the details French teacher/Principal or any School representative name to be filled. Download the prescribed excel format. Kindly upload students lists in this format only Download « Back Continue » Amount : GST : Total Amount : « Back Cancellation Policy: We ask that you please ensure that you register for the competition well ahead of time.All applications must adhere to the following policies. Read More