On January 18th, 2025, the prestigious International French Spell Bee (IFSB) hosted its final round live at the India International Centre, New Delhi. Organized by Le Frehindi, this annual event brought together some of the brightest young minds from India and beyond, showcasing their linguistic prowess in French. The culmination of months of rigorous preparation and competition, the finals celebrated excellence, determination, and the joy of learning a global language.
The Competition Process
Registration Process: Upon arriving at the venue, students underwent a smooth and well-organized registration process. This ensured that participants were comfortably settled and ready for the intense competition ahead. The journey through the competition involved multiple stages:
Preliminary Round: After registration, students participated in the prelims round, which tested their foundational knowledge of French. This stage served as the first elimination point, and only the most proficient students moved forward.
Secondary Round: The selected students advanced to the secondary round, where the difficulty level increased significantly. This stage featured diverse and challenging questions, including advanced vocabulary, pronunciation tests, and situational usage. Many students were eliminated during this stage, narrowing the competition to the best of the best.
Concluding Round: The final round was the most intense and dynamic, with participants showcasing their mastery of the French language. A combination of comprehensive linguistic challenges determined the top three winners in each category. It was a tough competition, requiring students to overcome multiple hurdles to reach the top and claim their prizes
The Winners of International French Spell Bee 2025
The competition’s grand finale witnessed extraordinary performances. We are proud to congratulate all our winners and their dedicated teachers:
1st Position: Bhavya Dhanuka, Amity International School, Sec-43, Gurugram
Teacher: Ms. Pallavi Ahuja
2nd Position: Samaya Bhowmick, DPS Bopal
Teacher: Ms. Jyoti Hotchandani
3rd Position: Keya Gupta, Blue Bells Model School, Gurugram
Teacher: Ms. Sonal Daryani
1st Position: Hariom Arun Singh, Gurukul Excellence International School
Teacher: Ms. Aruna Rasal
2nd Position: Anushree Sharma, Jaycees Public School, Rudrapur
Teacher: Ms. Preeti Pandey
3rd Position: Jahaan Gusani, The Galaxy School, Wadi
Teacher: Ms. Tannavee Korgaokar
1st Position: Maher Vimal Hirpara, The Galaxy School, Wadi
Teacher: Ms. Ramonjy Kiady
2nd Position: Akshat Negi, Aravali International School, Sec-85
Teacher: Ms. Rohini Ratra
3rd Position: Alisha Pagare, Podar International School, Powai
Teacher: Ms. Dhivya
Finals Participation :
The event saw participation from:
- 230 students representing 55 schools, including 2 international schools from Doha and Kuwait.
- Participants were divided into the following categories:
- Avancé Level: 74 students
- Intermédiaire Level: 89 students
- Débutant Level: 67 students
A Test of Resilience and Excellence
The IFSB 2025 proved to be a true test of resilience and excellence. Each participant demonstrated remarkable dedication, navigating linguistic hurdles and emerging as a beacon of inspiration for their peers. The event highlighted not only the importance of learning French but also the values of perseverance and teamwork.
Register Now for the 13th International French Spell Bee!
The journey continues! Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of the 13th edition of the International French Spell Bee. Join thousands of students and teachers in this enriching experience that celebrates the beauty of the French language.
To register for the next edition and join the ranks of those shaping the future of global education, Click on the links below:
Registration Links for Schools
- For Indian Schools: International French Spell Bee 2025_IND
- For International Schools: International French Spell Bee 2025_INTL
Registration Links for Individual Students
- For Indian Students: IFSB 2025 INDIVIDUALS_IND
- For International Students: IFSB 2025 INDIVIDUALS_INTL
Note for Teachers:
At Le Frehindi, we value the immense role teachers play in encouraging students to embrace learning and participate in such prestigious competitions.
Teachers who facilitate 100 or more registrations will also stand a chance to win the same exciting trip as the winning student! Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to make your efforts count.
For registrations and inquiries, contact us at:
- Phone: +91-9811237080/50
- Email: frenchspellbee@lefrehindi.com
- Website: www.frenchspellbee.fr
Join us in making 2025-26 a year-long celebration of linguistic excellence through 13th edition of International French Spell Bee! Vive la langue française!